Photodynamic therapy triggered by spectral scanner CT: an efficient tool for cancer treatment

Oral presentations

Nano-plateformes hybrides pour l'imagerie multimodale de l'AVC, Frederic Lerouge, Frederic Chaput, Szilvia Karpatit, Loic Cuau, Stephane Parola, Marc Vandamme, Emmanuel Chereul, Pia Akl, Salim Si-Mohamed, Loic Boussel, Philippe Douek, Marlène Wiart. Journées France Life Imaging, 15-16 novembre 2021, Grenoble ,France.


Hybrid nanoparticles for Spectral photo counting scanner CT From in vivo imaging to therapeutic applications. Frederic Lerouge, Frederic Chaput, Szilvia Karpatit, Loic Cuau, Stephane Parola, Marc Vandamme, Emmanuel Chereul,Pia Akl, Salim Si-Mohamed, Loic Boussel, Philippe Douek, Sylvain Bohic, Ludwig Dubois , Ala Yaromina, Philippe Lambin.

Materials, April 18-22, 2022, Boston, United States.


Design and study of multifonctional luminescent rare earth nanoparticles for imaging and treatment, Loïc Cuau, Frederic Lerouge, Frederic Chaput, Stéphane Parola, Szilvia Karpati, Sylvain Bohic, Ludwig Dubois, Ala Yaromina, Pia Akl, Salim Si-Mohammed, Philippe Douek. 5th International Caparica Conference on Chromogenic and Emissive Materials 2022, 03-07 July 2022, Costa da Caparica, Portugal.


Hybrid nanoparticles for imaging and X-ray activated PDT. Frederic Lerouge, Frederic Chaput, Loïc Cuau, Stéphane Parola, Szilvia Karpati, Sylvain Bohic, Ludwig Dubois, Ala Yaromina, Pia Akl, Salim Si-Mohammed, Philippe Douek. 6th International Workshop on Nano and Biophotonics, 25-30 September 2022, Evian, France


Synthesis and study of hybrid multifunctional nanoparticles for imaging and treatment of cancer by spectral CT scanner, Loïc Cuau , Frederic Lerouge, Frederic Chaput, Sylvain Bohic, Ludwig Dubois, Ala Yaromina, Pia Akl, Salim Si-Mohammed, Philippe Douek. Seventh International Conference on Multifonctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials. 19-22 October 2022, Genoa, Italy.


Intracellular cryo-correlative XRF imaging of innovative nano-hybrids designed for X-ray photodynamic therapy. Gramaccioni C., Sorrentino A., Karpov D., Cuau L., Dubois L., Yaromina A., Lerouge F., and Bohic S. The 15th International Conference on X-ray Microscopy (XRM) 2022, 19-24 june 2022, Taiwan – virtual conference.


Keynote presentation: Unveiling the chemical landscape of cells: cryo-correlative synchrotron nanoimaging. Gramaccioni C., Sorrentino A., Karpov D., Cuau L., Dubois L., Yaromina A., Lerouge F., and Bohic S. The European Conference on X-Ray Spectrometry (EXRS) -2022. 26 june – 1st July 2022, Bruges, Belgium.


Photodynamic therapy triggered by X-rays: a novel approach to cancer treatment.  Yaromina A, Biemans R., Rezaeifar B., Verhaegen F,  Lerouge F, Lambin P, Dubois L. 5th Conference on Small Animal Precision Image-Guided Radiotherapy 2022. 21-23 March 2022, Munich, Germany.


Design and study of hybrid multifunctional nanoparticles for cancer diagnostic and treatment through spectral photo counting scanner CT and X-rays activated PDT. Frederic LEROUGE, Loïc Cuau, Frederic Chaput, Sylvain Bohic, Ludwig Dubois, Ala Yaromina, Pia Akl, Salim Si-Mohammed, Philippe Douek. MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit. 10-24 April 2023, San Francisco, California, USA


Design and study of hybrid multifunctional nanoparticles for cancer diagnostic and treatment through spectral photo counting scanner CT and X-rays activated PDT. Frederic LEROUGE, Loïc Cuau, Frederic Chaput, Sylvain Bohic, Ludwig Dubois, Ala Yaromina, Pia Akl, Salim Si-Mohammed, Philippe Douek. ERC KOLOR SPCCT Imaging First symposium. 21 June 2024, Lyon, France


Surface modification effect on contrast agent efficiency for X-rays based Spectral Photon-Counting Scanner / Luminescence Imaging: from fundamental study to in vivo proof of concept. Loïc Cuau , Frederic Lerouge, Frederic Chaput, Sylvain Bohic, Ludwig Dubois, Ala Yaromina, Pia Akl, Salim Si-Mohammed, Philippe Douek. SCANnTREAT International Workshop. 10 July 2024, Lyon, France


Gramaccioni C., Sorrentino A., Karpov D., Brun E., Cuau L., Dubois L., Yaromina A., Lerouge F., Bohic S.Intracellular cryo-correlative XRF imaging of innovative nano-hybrids designed for X-ray photodynamic therapy. 18th annual meeting EMIM, Salzburg, Austria.


EMBO Lecture course teacher on Imaging Marine Organisms Across Scales, Naples, Italy, 09-12/04/2024